Eastern Hills Church Family,
Psalm 150:2 says, “Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.” It's a great blessing to present this report with many reasons to praise the Lord for all he's done through our church this past year. Together we have so much to be grateful for as we consider the Lord’s provision for Eastern Hills.
Because you've said yes to Jesus, we've spent this past year helping people become fully engaged in Christ, at church and on mission. We've also launched our "10-9-6" vision of seeing Gospel transformation across every region in our state (10), every state in the Northeast (9), and every habitable continent worldwide (6). Finally, our values shape the church we're becoming: "centered and sent," "on earth as it is in heaven," "generosity that stretches," "make it easy," "one another," and "celebrate often." You can read more about our future through this link: OUR FUTURE.
One of our strategic initiatives is “meta-what,” forming digital pathways that cross the lines of ethnicity, community, and social stations. I’m thrilled with our new branding reflected in this report, our lobby, website, and social media. A team of staff, volunteers, and contractors worked together to produce a distinct branding guide that we hope our church will be proud to share with others. The logo encompasses an “e” wrapping hills using a color palette that reflects Syracuse.
Something I’m looking forward to in this next year is providing more opportunities for members to engage with leadership. We’ve separated our fiscal year into three quadrimesters: August to November, December to March, and April to July. Our plan is to have a membership meeting during each of those stretches. It will be a time to celebrate what God is doing in our church, pray, and answer questions members may have. I hope to see you there!
In closing, I’d like to ask that you join me in praying for our church as we look toward the future. I encourage you to consider reading this article from Dr. Tim Keller, “HOW STRATEGY CHANGES WITH GROWTH.” It highlights some of our growth opportunities as a church and what steps we can take to see Gospel transformation here in CNY and beyond. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the article and join me in prayer. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has for us in this next year!
Thanks for serving alongside me!
Pastor Rob
Our Year in Numbers
Year 23-24’: 26 Baptisms
Year 23-24:- 28 new members
Year 23-24’: 13 Parent-child dedications
101 Kids
EHBC Kids attendance increased from an average of 89 kids to 101 in 23/24
639 Attendees
Average Sunday adult attendance increased from 571 vs 639 in 23/24
63 New Families
63 new families came to EHBC this year
4 Staff Added
4 new staff members added
17 Groups
17 Learning Groups offered this year
537 Registered
537 people registered for learning groups
101 Baby Bottles
101 Baby Bottles collected for New Hope Family Services
17 Groups
Year 23-24”- 17 Groups with 144 involved
40 ladies
Women of the Bible summer learning group was a success averaging over 40 ladies in attendance each week.
4 Families
We were able to support 4 families with memorial services that allowed them to say goodby and to honor and remember their loved ones.
189 individuals
189 individuals helped back hundreds of meals with Feed My Starving Children at the Vineyard Church.
117 turkeys
117 turkeys were donated and delivered to Westcott Vineyard Church.
1 Vehicle
Vehicle donated to Vineyard Church to support their outreach ministries
2 Carts
Two shopping carts full of peanut butter and cereal were donated to the FM food pantry.
15 & 8
15 Middle School & 8 High School Students went to camp Hume
14 participants
Year 23-24’: 14 Participants in Grief Share ministry
51 volunteers
Year 23-24’- 51 people volunteered to care for those in need in through the care team ministry
90 Ladies
90 Ladies attended attended the summer ladies luncheon
353 Weekly Viewers
353 people watch our online service each week (avg)
5K watch hours on our youtube channel
3.5K accounts reached per month on instagram (avg)
Over the past year, we have seen so many new families experience EHBC Kids and have been blessed to have had some of our biggest Sundays in recent years. We have also had tons of fun with events like Candypalooza, our Christmas Party, and VBS. Highlights from this year’s VBS include over 70 kids in attendance, 68 volunteers signed up to serve, and 300 bags packed for Syracuse students in need with encouragement cards pointing them to Jesus. We have also added a new team member, Lindsay Rogers, as our Kids Ministry Director. She has jumped in this summer and is already making an impact. Along with so many great volunteers, our kid's ministry team is doing a phenomenal job creating fun and safe environments to help kids from birth through 5th grade experience the love of Jesus and grow in their understanding of who He is. As we look ahead, we plan to build on what we offer on Sundays by adding additional family ministry events throughout the year and classes/seminars that help partner with families in the seasons they are in.
Hopes for the Year Ahead
Complete the branding package for EHBC Kids name change from Promiseland to EHBC Kids.
Grow our volunteer base by 50% to serve the increased number of children.
Plan and offer an overnight summer camp experience for our 3rd through 5th graders this upcoming summer.
EHBC Students is making a difference in the lives of 6th through 12th graders. We have experienced salvations, baptisms, and many commitments to step up and be Jesus to peers. Katie Stevens has continued to serve on our staff as Student Ministry Intern and she’s done a great job. This past spring and summer we experimented with “BIG Student Nights”, where middle and high school come together. These events provided an excellent opportunity for students to invite friends. We have also continued taking students to Hume New England, summer and winter camps. Camp has proved to be a great catalyst for life change and camaraderie within the student ministry. We plan to continue to build off the momentum of this summer as we enter into a new school year.
Hopes for the Year Ahead
New Next Gen Director who will oversee 6th-12th grade as well as young adults.
Start a new midweek small group experience for 6th-12th grade students on Wednesday nights this fall.
Complete renovations to the upstairs student environment.
Grow our volunteer base by 50% to serve the increased number of students.
Create a student leadership team who will help plan events and invest in reaching students in the area.
The Care Ministry of Eastern Hills Bible Church, driven by the vision to demonstrate the love of Jesus through comfort, care, and support, has made significant strides this past year. The team has grown to include 54 dedicated members, organized into sub-teams such as Faithful Friends Visitation, Funeral Care Team, God is Sew Good, Care Prayer Team, Meal Train Team, and Card Ministry Team.
The God is Sew Good team made and delivered Christmas items to shut-ins, crafted gifts for women's Bible study participants, produced curtains for Ghana, sewed placemats for EHBC members and Meals on Wheels in Syracuse, knitted prayer shawls, and finished pillowcases for distribution.
Beyond these contributions, the Care Team provided numerous meals, sent countless cards, and offered steadfast prayers and visits to those in need. They supported several memorial services, ensuring that families felt loved and cared for during their times of loss. The successful launch of Grief Share facilitated significant follow-up and connections, guiding some individuals toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. Divorce Care also continued to provide essential support.
Hopes For the Year Ahead
Establish a Helping Hands Team to assist with small repairs and projects for shut-ins, seniors, and individuals with special needs.
Introduce a Dementia Support Group for caregivers, providing a safe space for meeting, learning about available support, and ensuring that caregivers know they are loved and not alone.
This past year, we connected with families through Family Talks, a series of classes on marriage and parenting and launched new groups for men and women. We also had connection events, like our Ladies Luncheon, where almost 100 women gathered for fellowship and encouragement centered around the Gospel. Our new Adult Discipleship and Spiritual Formation Pastor, Leon McKenzie begins in October and he will help develop a growth track to help new believers (and old) grow in their understanding and devotion to Jesus as well as multiply small groups that meet during the week for the purpose of connection and care. We can’t wait to see what the year ahead holds as we continue our commitment to following Jesus and helping others do the same.
Hopes for the Year Ahead
Continue the rhythm of periodic leader meetings for equipping and encouraging lay leaders in the church.
Establish (CORE - class) offerings and a regular schedule of providing them for the church.
With (CORE - classes), design, develop, and implement them in such a way that members of EHBC are equipped to be disciples of Jesus and disciple others.
Continue to see growth in the Adult Ministries department as the people of EHBC consistently engage in Christ, at Church and on mission.
This past year, we welcomed our new Worship Art Director, Austin Mozden. We're grateful for the growth in the volunteers serving in worship arts and production. Our Christmas and Easter celebrations were well done, glorifying the Lord and providing a fantastic outreach opportunity to reach those who don't know Christ. Additionally, our YouTube channel subscriptions are now north of 600 and climbing. Our team does a great job each week producing our online service. We've seen it's often people's first exposure to Eastern Hills.
As a church, we've learned what the bible says about laughter, considered what the scriptures say about our emotions, answered questions you've submitted to us, and reflected on the names of God while also studying the books of Revelation, Ruth and 1 Peter. This fall, we'll consider what it means to fully engage in Christ, at church, and on mission. We'll study Romans 13 as we navigate the presidential election and what 2 Corinthians teaches us about generosity. In January, we'll hit the book of Judges, examining the domino effect of our decision-making, and then follow that up with a study on love through the book of John in February. Next spring, we'll look at some familiar stories in Genesis and look towards a great week of opportunities to engage leading up to Easter. It's going to be a great year of Sunday services!
Hopes for the Year Ahead
Continued recruitment and development of the worship team.
Night of Worship on Palm Sunday.
Good Friday Service.
Better engaging giving opportunities and celebrations in our services.
More opportunities to share in communion.
Over the past year, we achieved significant milestones in enhancing our facilities and strengthening our organizational foundation, as well as growth in generosity. We successfully finalized the sale of the Enders Road location and established the Cornerstone Fund, dedicated to improving our existing facility. Through diligent financial stewardship, we also created a Building Repair Fund to ensure the proper care and maintenance of our facility in the years to come. 81 people gave for the first time this year and giving in the core giver category rose by 9 %, while overall giving grew this year by 1.7% year over year.
In our commitment to long-term planning, we consulted with both local and national architectural firms to explore the most effective ways to utilize our facilities and plan for future renovations. This included the installation of a new security system to enhance facility access, as well as critical upgrades and replacements of equipment such as the boiler, HVAC controls, coffee system, and lighting.
On the human resources front, we streamlined our hiring and onboarding process, successfully integrating four new staff members into our team. Several updates were made to staff policies and procedures to provide greater clarity, support, and efficiency. We also provided updated job descriptions for all staff, ensuring alignment with our mission, vision, and values. To foster a positive staff culture, we emphasized regular communication and professional development through 5x5 meetings, staff huddles, and professional coaching. These efforts have collectively strengthened our team and positioned us for continued success in the future.
Hopes for the Year Ahead
Continue to move forward with building projects that will improve and preserve our facilities for years to come, as well as create necessary office space
Continued improvement of safety and security processes.
Provide staff with a updated employee handbook
Assess current tools and technology that create onramps for people to engage with EHBC
Our church continues to engage those beyond our walls locally and globally. Last fall, we funded, built, and helped deliver beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace and made a generous one-time donation to support the Syracuse Chinese Church in renovating their facility. This past winter, we supplied all resources needed for 200 volunteers to pack meals for Feed My Starving Children and helped support a mission trip to Guatemala through Young Life. Finally, this summer, we supported a team sent to Ghana and provided additional resources for ongoing care efforts there.
One of the steps forward we took towards our Kingdom Collaborations initiative was developing a values-based decision-making process that would allow a team of volunteers to help decide how best to invest our resources in Gospel transformation. This new process has led us to continue providing monthly support to strategic partners dedicated to advancing the Gospel, including CRU, Young Life, Wycliffe Bible Translators, and our ongoing global outreach efforts in Ghana. In addition, we've helped support Christian Education through Eagles Wings Academy.
Something we look forward to this fall is helping New Hope Family Services empower women and families with the love of Christ. Our church will provide the resources, including labor, to further expand New Hope's outreach efforts. We can't wait to see how God works through this opportunity!
Hopes for the Year Ahead
We will further establish a Kingdom Collaboration Team to assess the vision alignment of our current partners and evaluate potential new partnerships.
We will continue implementing the Kingdom Collaboration Rubric to guide our assessment process for submitting recommended changes and updates to our collaboration efforts to the Leadership Team.
Expand our partnership with New Hope Family Services.
As a result of strategic efforts to help people become fully engaged in Christ at Church and on mission, we’ve seen incredible fruitfulness from each area of ministry. God has moved mightily through our Christmas and Easter services, bringing people together and to Eastern Hills for significant opportunities for evangelism. We’ve welcomed and trained new volunteers who have said yes to stepping out on mission in both serving teams on campus and in their neighborhoods. We have celebrated and walked alongside people diving deeper into their relationship with Christ and at Church in various ways; being baptized, becoming a member, parents dedicating their children and families, and supporting the mission of our church through prayer or financial support. We’re excited to continue to invite others to engage at Eastern Hills both in person and online with our updated website and social media platforms.
Hopes for the Year Ahead
Increase accessibility of engagement opportunities to widen the demographic of people that can get involved.
Increase the promotion of engagement opportunities via the website, social media platforms, and in-person informational sheets.
Initiate strategic events to collaborate with local Churches.
Increase volunteer and leader appreciation.
Develop a Church Wide invite culture.
Increase regular rhythms to celebrate life change; New Christ followers, baptisms, memberships